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Sunday, 23 March 2014

No fear, spring is here!

Maybe because it is spring time (although the British weather is definitely not reflecting this) that everything seems a lot better than usual. I have this theory that when it's spring, not only do the days get longer, the sun shines brighter, the grass is greener but people shine in a different way. No I am not on crack I mean what I say - we shine.

Laughter buzzes through the luke warm air and swirls down to the grass and higher towards the trees... goes higher and higher to reach the birds. Before you know it nature is in this great symphony and you are its conductor. What a great feeling?! (Naaaah you really should be writing that essay and studying for that exam... *soz buzz kill*)

I mean what I say. I say what I mean (I try to anyway). The spring is here, I don't care if there is still the occasional hail or the wind of death. We have to make spring happen. Because let's face it - we all live an excessive 200 something days for the only days that make us happy. So let's start them days early.

I started my spring by excessively listening to Magos & Limon's Dawn; a beautiful combination of Flamenco guitar and peaceful jazzy vocals. Just like the chilled vibes of spring. If you have not yet heard, give them a go on Soundcloud. You will not be disappointed.
Aaaand of course the most important; spring cleaning. Not just your house and your wardrobe - but spring clean your life out of all the bullshit. Be free as a bird, free off worries and have no troubles. The best method? Write all them bullshit on a piece of paper - FAST - BOLD - SCRIBBLED - FURIOUSLY. Then just rip it, watch them pieces of paper fall. You will feel 50% lighter.
Find a reason to love anything and everything. See beauty in the smallest thing, amongst all its ugliness. Most importantly, love yourself <3 Give yourself a compliment a day, stare at yourself in the mirror, take a selfie (ladies, keep on taking them bare face selfies. haters gonna hate though.)
Lastly, join the 100HappyDays challenge and make that a 365HappyDays :) Because you can!
You know where to find me,
Mucho love,

Photo credits to one of the most inspiring individuals. Make sure to check her out here.

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