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Friday, 6 September 2013

My baby is one years old!

Yes! Finally it is that time - On 6 September 2012 I had this epiphany that I should start my own blog; a form of self expression available for an audience.

At the beginning, I was not very optimistic it would go anywhere and it was merely just me writing about my thoughts about from my travels to what I wear, from photography to events related to art and fashion.

You see, I have been keeping a diary since I was 8 all thanks to my Harry Potter obsession back then, I had the 'diary' from the Chambers of Secrets (although considerably less glamorous and not real leather or anything close to faux leather for that matter). So in a way online blogging was my way of moving on forward with the technology. Who uses pen and paper now anyway?!

It has been a great year for me both on and off the blog. Finished second year of university - have had great travels to new places such as Vienna, Costa Brava, Barcelona and Calais - met new people - got to know the people I know better - made many mistakes and hopefully now have learnt from them. Overall it was a year where I personally grew; mentally matured. Or just became mental.

Either way I am so glad to have followers and readers, way more than I had expected! Thank you everyone who has been supporting me and this blog by keeping up to date with my posts.

I promise the blog will carry on with full throttle and hopefully soon with a brand new look :) Can't wait to post up the photos from rest of my summer adventures as well.

Much Love,
Gulce x 

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